Tuesday, May 15, 2007

People frustrate me.

Even though it hasn't been that long. I'm longing to see some certain people again regardless of what other people think.

I'm about ready to strangle others and tell them to grow up.

You can't live with them, but yet you can't live without them either.

I'm ready to have some fun, and get out of this town. Or atleast have some fun that doesn't involve movies in town....I'm sick of movies. I can only sit still so long. There are so many other things to be doing with those hours spent watching movies on a perfectly beautiful day outside. Part of me wants to call people up and say; Hey want to get together a huge game of touch football or capture the flag or something? That sounds like soooo much fun. Movies are fine for a rainy day. There are enough rainy days in our lives.....why create more by staying locked inside all the time?

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