Sunday, November 12, 2006

They Make me smile.....
{reposted from my the-n blog...this blog needed more cheeriness}

First NFG Song I ever heard was "My Friends Over You"...I was listening to my launchcast station mostly because I hadn't discovered the joys of owning cds yet. And this song came on...and wow. It was something new to me...something different from what I was listening to which at the time was Linkin Park, Trapt, System of a Down ect...nothing wrong with those bands by the way, I still listen to them. Anyways I wanted to hear it again so I searched them on that site and they had a music video for that song. I was instantly hooked, everyday after school, I'd come home and watch that video for hours upon hours. I finally got my hands on a copy of sticks n' stones. The only cd I owned at that time.I listened to that thing non stop all the time. I still know all the words to all the songs on that cd by heart. I wanted to hear more NFG songs so I went to Borders(stupid choice considering their prices are higher than Best Buy's...I was young ok?) and got Nothing Gold Can Stay and their Self-titled albums.

Man oh man that's where it started. I had to get the dvd that was out and haha you could say I was majorly obessed as a 7th and 8th grader. Seriously everything me and my friends talked about revolved around NFG. We went online and printed pictures off of them and yeah it was scary when I think back on it. I still like NFG and have since 7th grade, I'll probably always like them and they're probably always be one of my all time favorites just because they helped open up the doors to music that wasn't being played on the radio at the time. They got me off the radio...I started buying as many cds as I could. I used to buy them weekly. Now I still buy them just not as often.

I told my friends if for some awful reason I die young to bury me in my NFG shirt...that band means so much to me and it's a life goal to atleast see them live once. I would feel like I'd lived an unfufilled life if don't atleast get to see them live once. Meeting them would be icing on the cake but just seeing them, would be a dream come true.

Yeah....this was kind of fun to write about.

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