Friday, November 17, 2006

"Are you in your Nothing Box?"

So...just got home a little bit ago from the marriage seminar...yes I said/typed it right, I've been stuck on saying wedding seminar all week haha. Anyways we were told to get there at 5. So we do....NOBODY ELSE IS THERE! Finally Busche gets there and lets us in so we go in and there's supposed to be these people who tell us what we're supposed to be doing and they don't show up till oh you know 6:20ish....Gah mind you this whole shibang doesn't even start until 7 so we're a whole you know 2 hours early..gah....and all they had to eat were cookies and fruit. EXCITING. They gave us all waterbottles and told us to run the lights and cameras.

It's funner than doing weddings though. Just cuz I'm up there with 3 guys and they're cracking jokes about what the guy is saying. So I have to be there bright and early tommorrow morning. Bob the tour mananger guy is giving us a specia haha.

So on the way home, we pass Jenny's and the friggin' Rat is out there shirtless shooting hoops....I swear I threw up in my mouth a little....gahhhh KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON! NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT....

So Josh (aka Bob or aka Drama class Josh) and Ian have decided that I need to start making women laws haha since you know on that Miller Lite commerical they're making Man Laws well I only have one so far and it's never date a guy who has bigger boobs than you. Unfortunately I think I broke that rule while going out with the Rat...ah to be young and stupid again.

Ah well I have to go get some sleep so not all of us are falling asleep tommorrow morning up there. We're thinking about all just bringing headphones and jammin...haha...oh and I'll be sure to fill ya in on the "special gift" from Bob.

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