Monday, November 13, 2006

Busy as a beaver?

So looks like this week is gonna be pretty dang busy.

Tommorrow aka Tuesday, the +44 cd drops and I want to go pick that up, chances are I probably won't get a chance to tommorrow though. I have to finish learning my shakespear monolog(I know it's not spelled right get over it.) that I have to perform on Wednesday. We're also starting fireworks tommorrow in Web Design...argh ugh..more photo editing software to learn oh jou!

Wednesday is performances, fireworks and the first reasearch day for my history term paper.

Thursday we're working on Santa Breakfast if all goes well. Also we have the whole 4th period class to work on our midterm questions....grrr...all my shows on are on Thursday as well.

Friday I have to work from 7PM-10 seminar thing...I have to run the cameras to show up on the screen. Jou.

Saturday I have to work from 9AM-12:30 2 of the wedding seminar...wouldn't do if it I wasn't getting paid because that's what 6 and a half hours of my life. GAH! Hopefully they'll take breaks somewhere in those time frames for potty/snack breaks.

So we'll see if anything else comes up...gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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