Saturday, November 18, 2006

So this is Me.

So the "special gift" that Bob gave us was either a code worth 10 bucks to take a personality quiz orr....a goofy t-shirt..ugh. So I took the code. And well the results are pretty cool wanna read em'? Too bad...cuz I'm posting em'.

First of all what country I'm from...the way it's set up you can either be from Control, Fun, Peace, or Perfect Country....haha yep. So here's where it said where I'm from:

Sarah voted for her Home country of Fun with a substantial 131 votes. She is filled with tons of energy and enthusiasm because she is from the land of excitement and good times. Finding ways to socialize is an ongoing pursuit for her. She is always looking for opportunites to meet new people or spend time with friends and aquaintances. Sarah is like a fast moving train that doesn't slow down because she's constantly in search of people who enjoy themselves just as she does. She has the ability to find ways to relate to virtually anyone. She needs people around her to feel truly fufilled. She loves to laugh and she makes sure that everyone is laughing with her as well. Peace country is Sarah's Adopted country. As her second "home", Peace Country is a place that she visits from time to time mostly likely because she is looking for more tranquility than her Home country is offering at the time. She values the good relationship building skills of the Peace people. She displays those characteristics, whenever she needs to get along with someone who may not agree with the ways of her home country.

On wether I'm soft or hard hearted:

Sarah is a mild mannered, Soft hearted woman, who voted highest for soft traits like peaceful, warm, and sensitive. She can always be depended on to be patient and flexible because she lives her life through her soft hearted nature. Because she is a very easy going and tolerant individual, people enjoy being around her. Sarah is always looking out for other people's best interest while being compassionate and considerate of their feelings. She tries to be concious of others' feelings because she never wants to offend anyone. She believes that being offensive often leads to conflict, which is something she that she tries to avoid whenever possible. Sincere, geniune, open realtionships are a high priority to her. With her soft hearted nature in her forefront, Sarah only reveals her Hard nature under certain circumstances. She gave the Hard traits such as, strong willed, consistent, and organized 13 votes, and can become hard natured if the situation requires her to do so. She wants to remain calm and flexible whenver possible but will approach things is a direct, straight forward manner if the softhearted way isn't working for her.

My Movivations in Life:

Out of 56 positive character motivation choices, Sarah turned down 51 to pick her top 5. For this reason, these 5 motivations, which compel her to live out her daily life, are key to her happiness. Sarah naturally looks at situations with hope and energy because she is Enthusiastic. This boundless Enthusiasm of her attracts people like a magnet. They want to get involved in whatever she's doing because her enthusiasm makes her ideas attractive, crediable, and desirable. If there is any way Sarah can make a difference or impact a life, or do something valuable, she'll find it. She must inspire because she cares about people and wants to help improve their lives. Her talent is lifting people out of their bad moods and cheering them up is rare in this world. It is very like Sarah to always want to know what is unknown. What's in that box? Who just drove up? Life seems like a continous quest for information. She likes the process of exploring and finding out "Why?" To her life is a gigantic mystery that needs to be solved.

When my best traits combine:

When Sarah's motivations combine, they create a set of different talents which enhance her ablities and allow her to do great things. Sarah uses her curiosity to search for orginal ideas about how to maintain her fianances so she can be assured every nickel is spent wisely. Because she has the energy to get people excited to listen to her, Sarah is a very influential person.


Sarah's large green section indicates that she enjoys getting involved with projects and improving the task at hand. Since she excels in the area of Tasks, she has the ability to be good at any technical work where "hands on" control of the job makes it turn out better.

Sarah's large yellow segment shows that she loves innovation, creatvity, development, experiments, and new ideas because she likes to find ways to make improvements. It's hard for her to accept things the way they are. She believes there's got to be a better way!

Expressions that Sum Up essence of each Motivation in my task list thingy:

-Financial security, a priority
-Live and let live
-Exploring, asking, searching
-Ubeat Energy Always

Friday, November 17, 2006

"Are you in your Nothing Box?"

So...just got home a little bit ago from the marriage seminar...yes I said/typed it right, I've been stuck on saying wedding seminar all week haha. Anyways we were told to get there at 5. So we do....NOBODY ELSE IS THERE! Finally Busche gets there and lets us in so we go in and there's supposed to be these people who tell us what we're supposed to be doing and they don't show up till oh you know 6:20ish....Gah mind you this whole shibang doesn't even start until 7 so we're a whole you know 2 hours early..gah....and all they had to eat were cookies and fruit. EXCITING. They gave us all waterbottles and told us to run the lights and cameras.

It's funner than doing weddings though. Just cuz I'm up there with 3 guys and they're cracking jokes about what the guy is saying. So I have to be there bright and early tommorrow morning. Bob the tour mananger guy is giving us a specia haha.

So on the way home, we pass Jenny's and the friggin' Rat is out there shirtless shooting hoops....I swear I threw up in my mouth a little....gahhhh KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON! NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT....

So Josh (aka Bob or aka Drama class Josh) and Ian have decided that I need to start making women laws haha since you know on that Miller Lite commerical they're making Man Laws well I only have one so far and it's never date a guy who has bigger boobs than you. Unfortunately I think I broke that rule while going out with the Rat...ah to be young and stupid again.

Ah well I have to go get some sleep so not all of us are falling asleep tommorrow morning up there. We're thinking about all just bringing headphones and jammin...haha...oh and I'll be sure to fill ya in on the "special gift" from Bob.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

For Real....

So atleast Mark Hoppus is man enough to actually sing when he does live performances, and you know not dance around like an idiot. Where as Tom DeLonge lip-synched at the whole Fuse 7th Avenue Drop thing....for sure, we all know he doesn't sound that good live.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Busy as a beaver?

So looks like this week is gonna be pretty dang busy.

Tommorrow aka Tuesday, the +44 cd drops and I want to go pick that up, chances are I probably won't get a chance to tommorrow though. I have to finish learning my shakespear monolog(I know it's not spelled right get over it.) that I have to perform on Wednesday. We're also starting fireworks tommorrow in Web Design...argh ugh..more photo editing software to learn oh jou!

Wednesday is performances, fireworks and the first reasearch day for my history term paper.

Thursday we're working on Santa Breakfast if all goes well. Also we have the whole 4th period class to work on our midterm questions....grrr...all my shows on are on Thursday as well.

Friday I have to work from 7PM-10 seminar thing...I have to run the cameras to show up on the screen. Jou.

Saturday I have to work from 9AM-12:30 2 of the wedding seminar...wouldn't do if it I wasn't getting paid because that's what 6 and a half hours of my life. GAH! Hopefully they'll take breaks somewhere in those time frames for potty/snack breaks.

So we'll see if anything else comes up...gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

They Make me smile.....
{reposted from my the-n blog...this blog needed more cheeriness}

First NFG Song I ever heard was "My Friends Over You"...I was listening to my launchcast station mostly because I hadn't discovered the joys of owning cds yet. And this song came on...and wow. It was something new to me...something different from what I was listening to which at the time was Linkin Park, Trapt, System of a Down ect...nothing wrong with those bands by the way, I still listen to them. Anyways I wanted to hear it again so I searched them on that site and they had a music video for that song. I was instantly hooked, everyday after school, I'd come home and watch that video for hours upon hours. I finally got my hands on a copy of sticks n' stones. The only cd I owned at that time.I listened to that thing non stop all the time. I still know all the words to all the songs on that cd by heart. I wanted to hear more NFG songs so I went to Borders(stupid choice considering their prices are higher than Best Buy's...I was young ok?) and got Nothing Gold Can Stay and their Self-titled albums.

Man oh man that's where it started. I had to get the dvd that was out and haha you could say I was majorly obessed as a 7th and 8th grader. Seriously everything me and my friends talked about revolved around NFG. We went online and printed pictures off of them and yeah it was scary when I think back on it. I still like NFG and have since 7th grade, I'll probably always like them and they're probably always be one of my all time favorites just because they helped open up the doors to music that wasn't being played on the radio at the time. They got me off the radio...I started buying as many cds as I could. I used to buy them weekly. Now I still buy them just not as often.

I told my friends if for some awful reason I die young to bury me in my NFG shirt...that band means so much to me and it's a life goal to atleast see them live once. I would feel like I'd lived an unfufilled life if don't atleast get to see them live once. Meeting them would be icing on the cake but just seeing them, would be a dream come true.

Yeah....this was kind of fun to write about.
Mix Numero 3.

So, I felt like making another mix. Here's the track listing. Again...listen to in any order you want...not a big deal.

1. I Feel So by Boxcar Racer
2. Bad Days by Something Corporate
3. Home by Three Days Grace
4. Save Us by Cartel
5. Stay Together For the Kids by Blink 182
6. This Is Why We Don't Have Nice Things by Day At the Fair
7. She's Gonna Break Soon by Less Than Jake
8. Be My Escape by Relient K
9. Freshmen by The Verve Pipe

Download Here

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Official, I'm Lamer than Lame.

So I just had a minor freak out a little bit ago because I couldn't remember how to spell Tuesday. So I typed it into word two different ways and it said both were right and that frustrated me even more. So finally I went to google and typed it in and it turns out I was spelling it wrong so it corrected it and I feel really stupid, because I can't spell friggin' TUESDAY!

So yeah, it's been rough, and atleast I'm not at the point of having another anxiety attack which involves nausea...let me tell you that blows big time. Because then I get even more anxious because puking stresses me out because I hate puking. Gah, I'm a mess aren't I?

I'm tired, I can't seem to sleep enough but yet my body rejects sleep when I want to and keeps me awake. So tired and old looking. I feel old, so stiff when I get out of bed...don't feel like moving. So weak feeling. Haven't been eating that great because of the whole nausea thing. Luckily like I said that's gone, thank God.

mmmm....I'm pathetic, that and apathetic. Yep. That's all I have nothing else to say.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Screw this...

So if I wrote down what I was really feeling/thinking right'd all call me "emo" and never talk to me again. So screw it. I hate that word so I won't even attempt to begin to express myself....blah.

RAIN sucks. There...expression. HA!

I'm just a bad actor with a shitty script.

The End.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kit Kats Rule...

So I opened a Kit Kat bar that I got last night when I went trick or treating with the lil bro..and it was ORANGE! haha awesome, plus it tasted like white chocolate..even better yummers.

Anyways I'm in the process of downloading dreamweaver now so I can work on my project from home. haha...shh.. don't tell the teacher that...he'd totally flip on me, on uhh the method I used to get it. If the stupid download even finishes today...we're going along right now at a 2KB/s blazing right?

I go to fill in for Lord Licorice today, haha me and Curtis (Santa) got to have a sword fight with those plastic candy canes. haha...Oh and we got the party scene...we get to come up out of a trap door. Exciting! It's dark and crowded down under the stage...all the pirates and mermaids are down there at once before the 5th scene..chaos. We all yelled "HAND CHECK!" ah....yeah.

So I've noticed that a lot of people write in their spare time..not just like blogs or whatever, but actual stories. The least likely of people I know are writing things...which is kind of cool though when you think about it. It's cool that there's people who are my age, reading and writing regularly. It can' t hurt can it? I wish I had the time to read like I do in the summer...maybe I'll get some books before Thanksgiving to read over break....all 4 days of it ha. I need to see if I can reserve a copy of the last Lemony Snicket book....I need to find out what happens! Gah...yep...definately should get my name on that list. I miss having study hall to read in/do my homework I got a lot done when I had that 1st period last year...greatest thing ever, you could sleep and basically do whatever you candy on Fridays...psh...oh well we still have every class but 1st period...BORING.

Well instead of boring you...I'm going to end this little dealy here.