Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are You Feeling Fine?

Can today be over with now?

Let's see today I failed an Econ quiz. Told people how I felt about a Tcom project because it sucked. Then had somebody email me about apologizing, when it wasn't even directed towards them it was just about the project in general. And I hate that fact that the only grade we're getting on the project is based off of peer evaluations.

Should've saw it was going to be a shitty day last night when the neighbor's next door we're super noisy while I was trying to sleep and then when I did fall asleep I woke up an hour later from a panic attack. Fun times. Then woke up this morning with what seems to be the start of another sty, plus I'm tired...and just want to go to bed.

Actually I kind of just want to go burn a lot of energy so I can just collapse into bed tonight and fall asleep. Which I may go do later I don't know, I'm charging the shuffle up just in case.

Today is just one of those want to curl up under the covers and watch tv and not have to deal with the world anymore days.

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