Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wow sorry, it's been over a week now since my last post. I guess I just got caught up in other things. Like reading, ha yes I'm a nerd ok. I'm reading Jpod right now and am almost done with it. It's my last book I'm going to read this summer as school starts on Monday and I'll be forced to read a History book and a Spanish book. Those are the only two classes I'll really have a book for.

I'm not really sure how I feel about going back to school.

On one hand it's kind of exciting because I know that I'm half way done with high school already and after this year I'll be 3/4' s of the way done. Plus I get to see some people that I haven't seen in what 3 months? Plus new classes, new teachers well 2 new teachers. I had my Spanish and Drama teachers last year. New can almost be considered a fresh start all over again. But now I'm and upperclassmen and the only people who can look down on me are the Seniors. Ha.

But on the other hand school means that I can't sleep in untill like 10 or 11 in the morning like I usually do. Yeah, I require a lot of sleep. I usually go to bed around a 11 at night. I don't know how I'm going to manage to get up at six something Monday morning to catch the bus. I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm going to fall asleep sometime during the day....atleast I'll crash after school if I have to. Plus there's the whole Homework thing....blah. I hate homework. I'm a procrastinator. I won't say I'm the biggest procrastinator you've ever met because I've met way worse procrastinators than me. Plus I have to face the people who are jerks at school. The people who don't even freakin' know you and still choose to talk about you and laugh at you. Wow that's real mature of them isn't it?

So I guess I'm kind of excited that school is going to start but sad that I can't stick to my summer routine anymore and I have to start the school one again. There's just not much room for spontanity during the school year. Of course I'm pretty boring during the summer. I eat lunch at noon every day haha. Of course at school I have A lunch again so I eat at 10:55 every day. Blah I'm as boring as my grandpa who goes to be at 10 a clock everyday and gets up at 5:30. Of course I did stay with him and my grandma a few summers back in the day.

I guess the only reason I'm waisting all this space talking about school is because it's early and nobody is home to talk to. Because most of the people that are usually on to talk to in the mornings are at school...they go to private school. Heh. I guess I'll just sit here..and play boring card games or something and mope.

On a plus note some lady thought I was in college this morning! Whoo! Usually I get mistaken for the middle school crowd! Ah well that's enough pointless rambling that has no purpose what so ever.

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