Sunday, December 27, 2009

1 Week Down 2 to Go

Well less than 14 days to go until I'm back at good ole' BSU. I've had enough of a break time to go back now...thanks! I'm kinda ready to hit the books again, I don't know I like it to some degree studying and going to class.

About halfway through the first season of The OC. But the thing I've been most interested in doing is reading the story haha. I'm getting attached to those characters again. But yet I still don't feel compelled to continue writing it. For now I'm just enjoying re-reading...if I wasn't so dialogue driven it wouldn't be half bad...but hey I enjoy it haha but I think if it was anyone but me reading they'd think it's crap but oh well, that'll probably never happen, so I'm not going to worry about it.

Anyways today I started thinking about compiling my Top 10 list of 2009. So look for that possibly sometime this week, I already know a few right off the bat. The bottom five or so may be difficult we'll see.

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