Thursday, April 16, 2009

Felt Something Like....Felt Something Like Love....

I've been up since 7:40 this morning and right now I'm pretty hyper. Don't know why exactly but I am.

It's been an extremely busy week, and I've gotten a lot accomplished. I've already completed all my sociology homework today, and went to a meeting about my presentation next week. I'm leaving in a lil bit to go pass out flyers at the scramble light for Frog Baby.

Only 5 things leftish on my to do list lol. Only one that's due tommorrow...which I will hopefully do before work tonight.

So...boys can be weird. A couple of em' anyways. I just don't get it I guess. Eh oh well. My undying love for a celebirty ended a long ass time ago. Maybe they're a late bloomer?

Atleast the weather is getting better, supposed to be 65 today :)

Ah well I suppose I should try and get back on my productive trail...

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