Sunday, March 29, 2009


Life is pretty copasetic at the moment. Just...I don't know living it I suppose and winning free things at Family Fued doesn't hurt.

Someone please send me suggestions on what to buy on itunes...I seriously have like $50 sitting my account.

Oh...and say hello to a newly employed Ball State Dining Employee! haha...Exciting I know.

Anyways entering the final 5 weeks of my freshmen year of college. Wow...the year just flew a good way.

That's pretty much all I have to say...yep.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



I seriously fail at blogging lately.... Been busy. Maybe more of a real update when I'm not on my iPod.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

A Little Over 7 Days to Go...

Spring Break = survival time. All I wanted was a non-eventful quiet lazy spring break. So far all I've gotten is Summer 2006 all over again.

I was up until 2:30ish last night because of my stomach...lovely. Now I'm sooo tired. I'm not looking forward to the rest of the week either. I have a feeling it's going to suck just as bad. I can't wait until I go back to BSU. Life is so much simpler...and better. I wish I could live there and never leave.

So for now...FML. This sucks. I'd much rather go to class and write gazillions of papers then do this all over again.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


"Cause lately I'm not what's the point in sleeping?"

Really just getting the point where I just want to sleep the days away though. Gah sooo tired. Would rather sleep than deal with life...just because...I can. Have class in less than an hour though. Joy.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Uhh Hi!?!

Wow, I fail at blogging. Especially lately. Guess I haven't really been in the blog writing mood lately. I have been writing endless papers for various classes, that's probably why. Why should I write recreationally when I have to for class? haha. Plus super busy with other stuff too.

Next week is Spring Break, so you know I'll be bored enough to blog then, so expect the updates!