Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Early Morning Wake Up Call

Woke up this morning at 4:30 AM to the fire alarm going off. I threw on a jacket I had sitting on my chair, my hat and gloves, flip flops, grabbed my fleece blanket and headed out the door. As soon as we got downstairs and outside we were directed to the Basketball Arena. We were there..ohhh almost 4 hours. 1900 people live in my dorm complex. So kids were lying all over, the Red Cross was called in, and they were dishing out whatever food they could find.

We were allowed back into to our building around 8:15, I got dressed, and went to my classes. Came back for lunch, stayed awake....went to my class at 2, and then crashed for about an hour and a half, before getting up again...and here it is 10:30ish and I'm still up. Oh yeah did I mention that I didn't get to sleep till like 1 AM. Lovely.

Tired, gonna go shower, and catch some z's. Just thought I'd let you in...oh there's more details but just google it...I'm feeling lazy.

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