Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is going to be a quick one I promise. Ha a quickie blog....funny? Eh...maybe not.

There's a person out there who completes you, or me for that matter. Only you know who they are and how they complete you. That person may know but then again they may not. It may be a friend, or a boyfriend/girlfriend, or a relative ect... They make you feel like your on top of the world and your day just doesn't feel the same if you don't have some kind of contact with them.
Wether that be talking on the phone, or Iming them, or even seeing them in person.

If you don't have some kind of contact with them, you wonder about them, what they're doing. Who they're with. Maybe not that far but you sort of just wonder, you know?

That person can put a smile on your face without even trying. They can brighten up the worst day. You find yourself talking about that person more than you realize. You find your self thinking about that person more than you realize. Sometimes, you even dream about that person. You realize that that person has become a part of your life. A part of your life that you never want to loose or let go of.

Who's that person? I'll never tell. Well maybe....just not today.

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